Tent Rocks – Slot Canyon

It turns out that Cochiti Lake Corps of Engineers campground was never closed during the big government shutdown, because they continued operating by using holdover funds from last year.  Good for them!  But the campsites were mostly empty since their high season was over.  Of course I could get a lovely view of the lake, at a dry camping site (meaning: no-electric) which suited me fine.  I enjoyed the nearby tiny Navajo village and planned to experience the Slot Canyon at Tent Rocks National Monument the next day.  Not being in the mountains, I knew the temperature here would be warm – but for me that means hot.  I was pleasantly surprised how nice this campsite was, and was happy to settle here for a few days.

I was happy that I could hike through the slot canyon and then come back and complete the loop trail.  I am going to post more than usual photos from that hike on this page.  I was surprised that even with my heart problem and bad knees, I continued much further on than some of the other visitors.  I did not want to climb  the 650 feet after the canyon to the top of the ridge, so I can’t share the views from the summit.  There is a photo album at this link:

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