FIRST Great Grandchild – Ava Rose!

I was delighted to learn last winter that I would have my FIRST great grandchild in January!  My grandson Michael joyously told the world on Facebook that he would be a daddy, and my son Grey called me to crow about becoming a grandpa.  We are all delighted, and the baby mommy is a lovely young woman named Charlene.  They decided to name the baby Ava Rose, which is a beautiful name.  I decided to wait a few weeks to see the baby, in the hope that she would be looking around and maybe even smiling or laughing.  I hope to see her often enough to watch her grow, even though she will live far away.

So I made the long drive from almost 400 miles south of the border in Mexico up to Arizona and then over to California to meet her.  It was so worth it!  Mikey and Charlene were happy to have me visit and Ava is an angel.  She’s still tiny but is amazingly good, alert when she’s awake and hardly fussy at all.  Her personality is calm and curious and easy going, may she be blessed to stay that way for her lifetime.

After taking a short trip down to San Felipe on the Sea of Cortez in Baja to visit my friend Theresa, I returned to Temecula and it was fun to have Mikey and Charlie come out to visit Jojoba Hills RV Park, to see my motor home and to get a tour of the +55 facility.  They were impressed and all the residents were friendly and very happy to see a baby!

I am excited to share some photos –

P1090064 GMA w Mikey family 20160316_154705 20160316_154744

P1090032 Grandma and Ava

P1090034 with Mama P1090037 family P1080994 with Ava P1080999 Ava and Charlene P1090002 with Mikey P1090013 Mama and baby P1090019 with Grandma P1090026 with Daddy

And here are some earlier in her life before I got here –

Mama-Baby Ava Rose Jan 2016 Baby Ava Rose Ava Rose Ava Rose with daddy Ava Rose 2016 Jan 2 Ava Rose 2016 Jan 1 Anna Rose Jan 2016 Ava Rose 1Ava Rose 2

… and proud Grandpa Grey who managed to get there when she was born!

Grey with Ava Jan 2016

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