Douglas – and Mexico

It only took 1 1/2 hours to drive from the mountains to Douglas, at only about 40 mph.  Before anything else, I filled my gas tank and propane, which had lasted for ten days of freezing nights.  I thought that was pretty good.  That Wave 3 catalytic heater is perfect to leave on at night, it is silent, puts off good heat, and uses no power.  I am glad that I didn’t get it permanently installed so can move it to the bedroom at night and back to the dining area in the mornings.  I’ don’t feel cocky, since I know all the mistakes I’ve made so far, but at least I’m learning.

I asked about a flat place in town to sleep overnight, and was advised to go to the now-closed Safeway store.  It apparently went out of business when they opened the Walmart store nearby.  I parked next to the Border patrol, and not far from several semi trucks.  The border patrol here uses bicycles, and I noticed that they change shifts about every six hours.  They were very friendly and always parked their 4×4 nearby.

  • P1170513 border patrol parking
  • P1170520 border patrol 2
  • P1170532 border patrol 3

I walked over to take pictures at the famous Gadsden Hotel, where it still feels like some famous gangster from the 1940s might walk in any moment.

P1170543 (Large)

I spent a lot of time on the phone with AT&T arranging for cellphone minutes and data time for my tablet that would work in Mexico.  It only cost $30 for each, and even if nobody calls me I’ll be glad to have it and can check my email.  The next morning I checked the oil in both engines and added a quart to each.  To replace my supply, I walked over to Walmart and bought three more quarts, and also a car charger for my old cellphone.  Then… yes… I followed the road around behind Walmart and straight to the border crossing!  I hadn’t actually known I would do it, but suddenly I was at the USA Customs, saying goodbye.  I had no idea what to expect, nor exactly where to get my permits for the motor home and car, nor how much they would cost.  I didn’t plan to travel past San Carlos so would stay in the “free zone” which meant I could drive the car and go by myself without a permit, but I was sure the motor home would be a very different story, and I was right about that.

One Comment

  1. Croft October 2, 2013

    Love those old hotels! Have you visited the one between San Carlos and Guaymas? I forget the name of it but it has an RV park attached.

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